Our planning for each term is on the parent/carer notice board in the foyer and on the planning board in the main room.
We are lucky enough to have 3 outdoors areas for our children to explore, play and learn. Children have free flow access to our playground and we also have a Wild Garden and we can also access the school field. The children will require their wellies and warm clothing. They will get mucky so it is important you dress them appropriately . Outdoor play is a crucial part of your child's development therefore we will be playing out in all weathers.
How you can help at home?
Talk about the activities together, share ideas and have fun, further
suggestions are on the planning notice. Please see your child's Key Person with any questions.
Sweatshirt £10.00
T Shirt £6.15
All Children aged 2 to 5 are eligible for the flu vaccination this year. Please visit your local Doctors for more information.
Thank you.
Stay & Play...
We warmly welcome all parent/carers to come stay and play with their child in Pre-School. You can stay as long as you wish and join in with the fun and see how your child learns through play.
Wellhouse Pre-School
Wellhouse lane
West Yorkshire
WF14 0BE
01924 493216